How to make plant-based meals taste good

Many times, when I introduce clients to the idea of plant-based meals, the dishes are inevitably viewed as missing something. Where’s the meat?! We are very accustomed to meat as the main course, the center-point of the meal, and the dominant source of flavor. When initially shifting to a vegetarian or vegan eating pattern, the subsequent decrease in savory flavors, satiating fat, and tasty salt may be evident. But there are some simple steps we can take to make our plant-based meals taste flavorful and satisfying.

1. Start with fresh ingredients. 

Any chef will tell you the best food starts with the best ingredients. When you can, try to incorporate fresh, in-season foods. If it’s local, even better. The flavor burst hits differently when it was grown by your neighbor.

2. Include a protein source.

Lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts, seeds, certain grains...take your pick! Including protein at a meal gives it that filling and satiating quality.

3. Add some herbs & spices.

There’s more to the spice cabinet than salt! Play around with different fresh herb and spice combinations. Dried herbs work, too. Follow a recipe, use pre-mixed seasoning blends, or be creative and add your own. Bonus tip: restock your spices every once in a while for an extra kick (they do expire eventually!)

4. Come hungry.

You may have heard it said, hunger is the best sauce. Fasting gives us the opportunity to enter a meal feeling a bit hungry. We appreciate our food a little more when we’ve been waiting for it.

5. Add the secret ingredient.

St. Paisios gives us a hint on what that might be. “When people visit a monastery and eat food cooked without oil, they find it very tasty… the monk is praying while cooking and his heart is filled with positive thoughts; he thinks that he is preparing food for earthy angels to eat. Moreover, when monks sit at the table to eat, they say a prayer to bless the food. How is it possible then for the food not to taste good?” 

Infuse your preparations, your work, & your mealtime with prayer, and remember, everything from God is good


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